Currently available pitches and homes

These are the current homes on sale on our site. There may be more available than are shown on this page. If you are interested in buying a home, a pitch, or want more information first please contact us. We will gladly give you any information you need to help you decide if our park is right for you.

New Home - SOLD!

We are excited to announce that we have ordered a new mobile home from Manor Park Homes!

Building work in progress at Manor’s workshop:

This is a two bedroom home boasting an ensuite, utility room and compact study. Manor have an excellent reputation for their high standards and well-finished homes. The floor plan below shows the layout of the home we have ordered and there is a leaflet for more information.

To see how this home will look when it is finished, click here for Manor Homes’s website.

This home will cost £189,950.

If you are interested in this home or would like more information about the site and other availabilities, please get in touch using our contact page.